Hotel Conneaut
The Hotel Conneaut, called "The Crown Jewel of Lake Conneaut" in Crawford County, dates back to 1903. It features 150 rooms, old time, turn-of-the-century ambiance, and as to be expected by its vintage, some long-time guests who checked in but never checked out.
The most famous apparition is Bride Elizabeth. Her and her guy were honeymooning at the Hotel on April 27, 1943, when a terrible fire occurred. Lightning struck the hotel's wooden roof during a thunderstorm, and it burst into flame.
Legend has it that her hubby, thinking Elizabeth had already escaped, fled the building to find her. But Elizabeth was still inside the hotel desperately searching for her husband and quickly became trapped by the flames and perished. (or maybe she looking for the fire escape at the end of the hall. She hasn't told us yet.)
They were in room 321, and she's said to mainly wander in the hallway of third floor, still in her wedding gown, trailing a phantom scent of jasmine while softly sobbing. The room itself is the site of orbs, whispered conversation, messed up linens, water that runs for no reason and windows that open by themselves.
Elizabeth doesn't limit herself to the third floor, though - she's been reported all over the hotel and even in the adjoining amusement park. Those whispered voices have been heard all over the building, allegedly the otherworldly playback of the last conversations between Elizabeth and her husband.
She's become so famous that the hotel restaurant/bar is called Elizabeth's Dining Room & Spirit Lounge in her honor (heck, she's even mentioned in Wikipedia!), and her "ghost book" is prominent in the hotel lobby.
But she shares the space with a bevy of spooks. There's lore regarding an old chef who dismembered a butcher in the kitchen. A spectral couple can be seen dancing in the first floor Grand Ballroom. A soldier has been spotted in a tree on the Hotel lot. The spirit of a former hotel employee, John, may join you in the lobby.
And there are tales of little Angelina, a child who legend claims died long ago when her tricycle either tumbled down a flight of stairs or off the hotel balcony. She now rides her trike on the porch of the Hotel, crashing into people. Angelina has also been spotted in the halls, looking for a playmate.
The Hotel's haunted history is chronicled in The Ghosts Of Hotel Conneaut And Conneaut Lake Park by Carrie Andra Pavlik.
looks like a haven dear ...
Leeds - it is kinda cozy, I've been told. Actually, the hotel is a nice place to crash, according to a couple of my buds that have been there.
I have been to the hotel and it's pretty awesome to wander the grounds and stay awake late and roam the hotel
Check out haunted pictures of Hotel Conneaut and Conneaut Lake Park at www.residueofsouls.com
Go to www.residueofsouls.com and see haunted pics of Hotel Conneaut and Conneaut Lake Park.
My team investigated the Hotel a couple years ago .And there was no bride killed in a fire
what room has the most activity?
I've stayed there staying again this sat. Its not haunted. And all the stories have been dismissed. No one died in that fire. No kid fell down the stairsand died either. Its a nice old vVictorian hotel though.
I had wild sex there
I also had wild sex there
My friend and I walked around the hotel and the room that was supposedly Elizabeth's had no door knob, but when we got to the door the door was very hot, but it was in the middle of winter. Also, not too long ago I was working at Ghost Lake (which is at the park during October. It's really cool!) and I was in the hotel dressed as Elizabeth and i felt something very cold touch me. Then also that day my friend, her boyfriend, and I tried opening this door that she worked in front of and none of us could open it. We tried multiple times, and not even her boyfriend could open it! Then she tried one more time after I said "if there is anyone here, let us open the door" and when she tried, the door opened with ease. It was an old bathroom that looked like no one has been in it for years. It was very creepy!
My mom worked at the hotel in the 70s as a maid and passed away there from a heart attack so yes someone did die in the Hotel as far as I'm concerned.
U tell em!
U tell em!
U tell em!
I stayed there a few times and ate at the café, and I never saw anything. It's a beautiful place
If the stories have indeed been debunked, I'd like to know who did so and how they did so. I'm not doubting it, I'm just a firm believer that the requirement for proof can go both ways. And I also happen to believe that a lack of true spooky stories does not exactly indicate a lack of spirits. A rich history in itself could provide that, I doubt that they need to have died there in order to be there. And about the child on a tricycle, I actually nearly stumbled down an awkwardly placed flight of stairs myself when I was there after hours. (My dad had recently played a show there and they allowed us to come in for a short and quiet look around.) That said, it's a very gorgeous, lovely place. If there is anyone there, they must be calm and at peace. I really want to go back there soon.
What was your mothers name? I'm curious because my husband and I just spent the night there and did a ghost hunt. We had some pretty interesting things happen...
To anyone saying it isn't haunted, that's a lie. I've been scratched twice, I've had my name said over EVP sessions about five times, the EVP also said Michael (lost little boy) did it because he was warning me, a week or so later I had to move out of my home. Next EVP session it said the same thing but now they're protecting me. Why they are protecting me or what from, I'm not sure of.
Yea its got ghosts. I seen the bride. didn't want to.
The hotel is really haunted. We did a ghost hunt there and it was amazing. A lot of EVPs, and someone in our group got touched.
No one died in that fire
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