Blue Mist from Picasso Web Album - Anna
This is one of Pittsburgh's better known spook spots. There's a blue mist that covers Noth Park's Irwin Road every night. Stories about the road abound.
It was a rally site for the KKK, complete with a “hanging tree” for unfortunate African Americans. There's an old cemetery nearby and the headstones of two lovers touch in a cold kiss during the full moon. (Another version of the story says the dead paramours try to meet, but if they ever succeed, the world will end!)
The foundation of an old building was once home to a witch. Another house is called “The Midget Farm” and allegedly the little folk will angrily chase away the curious.
According to one tale, a man caught his wife cheating and killed her and their kids. He dumped them in a septic tank where his house stood in the mid-1900s. Their spooks frequent the road.
A spectral dog and a half deer, half human, mutant both haunt Blue Myst Road. One story says a bold teen honked the horn of his car to alert the critters he was coming and later he was found dead, dripping blood, dangling from the “hanging tree.”
The "Hanging Tree" has its own lore, as related by a reader that lives nearby the Park. "The story I was told was that when you park your car at one end of the road, because both ends are blocked off, you're supposed to honk your horn 3 times and 3 bodies hanging from the 'lynching tree' and human-like figures walk towards you, aka the KKK. I'm not sure how true this actually is..."
In actuality, Irwin Road is an unlit, unpaved lane dotted with some scattered homes along it. It has “road closed - no access” signs posted at both ends of the five mile street.
There is no written history of the KKK ever meeting there, much less lynching anyone (although a reader wrote and said "The KKK did gather there and they did rallies and lynched several people; back in those days every thing was hush hush and not to be spoken about"). The ancient lovers' headstones are in reality just inches apart and leaning towards each other, and it's just a matter of time until they do meet (We hope the world ending tale is just an urban legend!)
A local resident wrote in to debunk the whole scene. "There are at least two foundations of homes on the road. One was torn down and the other had a fire. No deaths have happened by the road. The graves are from early settlers and they are from 80 years apart, not lovers. As for the orbs as a photographer I can deduce this from both the pollen and dust on this dirt/gravel road."
People being chased and harassed there is usually the result of annoying Irwin Road residents beyond the pale. They have been reported to sic their dogs on and toss some words (and stones!) at overly bothersome visitors. If you're on Blue Myst Road, be civil and make the effort to stay on the local's good side.
Still, it's a great spot to let the imagination roam on a black moonless night and the perfect layout for urban legends to take root and flourish. But...
While the Pittsburgh Ghost Hunters found nothing to verify the usual stories and rumors, they spotted an orb the size of a softball floating around, changing speeds and radiating a glow for at least a minute, a long time for that sort of phenomena.
And one of readers wrote in with her near-identical experience while out with her boyfriend: "We weren't on Blue Mist Road, but on the main road by the lake. As we were walking, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. As I turned to look to see what it was, it was flying towards us and turned. It flew above where the lake is. This 'thing' had a lime green glow to it, and appeared to have wings! There were no car headlights nor street lights at all! It just completely disappeared! And it was too big to be a bat, and birds don't glow in the dark."
So maybe there is something lurking out there...
I have lived within a half mile of "Blue Myst" road for the past twenty two years. The only thing haunted or spooky about this road is what people have made it into. As a history buff I have researched the area extensively over the years. There are at least two foundations of homes on the road. One was torn down and the other had a fire. No deaths have happened by the road. The graves are from early settlers and they are from 80 years apart not lovers. As for the orbs as a photographer I can deduce this from both the pollen and dust on this dirt/ gravel road. I have photographed paranormal phenomenon many times but the amateurs at Pittsburgh Ghost Hunters can't tell the difference.
Hey anon - thanks for writing; we appreciate the history.
Like the Green Man in its sister South Park, Blue Myst Road is one of the most enduring urban legends in the Pittsburgh region. Funny what lore will develop around a little fog on a lonely road.
I am 98 and I use to live on the blue myst rd.Honey let me tell you it is not false nor are they lies.The KKK did gather there and they did rallies and lynched severl people,they also had satanic gatherings were they did slaughter many of animal's of every size.As far as the grave yard they dug them up and stole all the belongings of value and scatered the remains all over the grave yard.There was also a young afro American give who they raped and hung her from the tree.I do admit over the years people have added to the story.Most of what is told is untrue.But I can assure you the kkk did gather there and the poor child was raped and hung.My Father worked for the park and back in those days every thing was hush hush and not to be spoken about.On The left side of the road where there is are grass and marsh is a massive amount of skeleton remains.Which are now probaly under the dirt from all the years of weather of all the elements.Thank You for your time.
I was wondering if anyone would be able to give an about location of the headstones and of the hanging tree along the road? My wife and I walked the road a couple weeks ago, coming in from the side closer to North Park, and were not able to find them (granted it was dark), and were wondering where they both were. We did not see anything during our trip, though at one point we heard what sounded like sticks breaking or rocks clattering, and then what sounded like children giggling. Would love to go back and find the headstones and the tree to see if we see anyhting.
Tony - I've never visited the spot; city boy that I am, I stick to my stomping grounds, Schenley Park, pretty much.
But since you've found the lane, why not take a little bike ride or jog around the lake and up Irwin Road during the day some weekend? May not be as spooky, but it's a lot easier to reconnoiter, and you probably won't get the backs of the local homeowners up, either.
i've lived in the north hills my entire life and i can remember heading down blue myst road as a teenager. the hanging tree i do believe is on the left side of the road, when entering from the park side. and if i remember correctly the gravestones are at the end of blue myst road, across route 910. there is a cemetery there. of course i was a scared teenager and my boyfriend is the one who tormented me with that road, i hope my memory is correct!
I live just outside North Park and less than 3 miles from blue mist road. For years and years I've heard stories of paranormal event happening on that road. Friends of mine would venture to that spot in the middle of the night, typically around midnight, and strange things would always had it. The story I was told was that when you park your car at one end of the road, because both ends are blocked off, you're supposed to honk your horn 3 times and 3 bodies are hanging from the "lynching tree" and human-like figures walk towards you, aka the KKK. I'm not sure how true this actually is, but has anyone else ever heard that?
S. Baby - The hanging tree is one of the more popular and well known bits of lore from Blue Myst Road.
So mrs. x your 98 years old huh? I find it hard to believe that a 98 year old woman is going to search some no offense to the creator of the page but, a amatuer website devoted to urban legends and myths just to tell the truth. if that were true speak to an author and have them publish your stories. I find it hard to believe that even 98 years ago that they were able to keep something like a mass grave of skeletons hush hush even in some back woods of alabama would that be hard to sweep under the rug. I'm calling you bluff and your story about the skeletons BS. As far as lynching, KKK and rapes I can believe but mound of skeletal remains I'm calling BULL S***.
Anon - oral traditions usually are built around a seed of truth.
It's unlikely that there is a burial mound as we define it around the road, but it wouldn't be surprising that skeletons/bones are found in the area; it is by an old cemetery, and quite often they had a pauper's plot outside the main boneyard.
Hi my name is Dan I live across the street from blue mist rd on the 910 side next to the grave yard. I've been going down that road for years and like to go down there again soon. Please if anyone wants togo look me up at cowboydan73733@yahoo.com
Thanks, Dan. Let us know if your next trip uncovers anything.
I was out North Park about a month ago with my boyfriend, it was around 930 at night. We werent on blue mist road, we where on the main road by the lake. As we where walking, i noticed something at the corner of my eye. As i turned to look to see what it was, it was flying towards us and turned. It flew above where the lake is, this "thing" had a lime green glow to it, and appeared to have wings! there where no car headlights, no streets lights at all! it just completely disappeared! And it was to big to be a bat, and birds dont glow in the dark. What could this be? Has anyone seen this before? I told many of my friends at work about this and it brought chills when i told the story. very creepy!!!!! Answers are welcome PLEASE! Thank you!
i posted the above comment... this was seen on lakeshore drive
I love that road. My husband and I walk our Doberman Rio there at least couple times a week. Would love to know the history of the house up the long trail. Must have been charming. Only thing odd that happened to us was witness strange behavior by a coyote. He or she approached and was about 20 or 30 feet away and barked and barked. Not shy or elusive at all, but never tried to attack.The barking continued for at least 10 or 15 minutes. Odd! Marilyn
Hi I am going to blue myst road soon and I want to know if it's actually haunted. If anybody knows please let me know thanks;)
Is blue myst road actually haunted?
Is blue myst road actually haunted?
Will they hurt you
Where is the cememtery?
I feel bad for the people who actually live off Irwin (aka blue mist / blue myst) road. I've actually mt biked down the road during the day. The road eventually turns to a path @ some guardrails. There were no midgets. However, there are quite a few large old oak trees that could ALL be perceived as hanging trees.
....personally id be more creeped out by the cemetery on twin oaks drive in pine twp!!!!
We called it " Hang Mans Hollow"
The road is not so much haunted as it is possessed or hexed, the founders of Pittsburgh were Luciferian and conducted rituals at the tree, before going there I would suggest checking the illuminati ritual calender for sacrificial dates as some may still be hanging around.
Back before the road was closed off, a friend told me a story.
He and one of his friends were driving down Irwin rd.
As they drove down the road, they noticed a gathering of people in a clearing. There were antique cars parked, and people dressed in antique clothing.
They also noticed children playing, and running about with butterfly nets.
As they drove up the road a ways, they turned around and came back. As they passed the clearing, there were no cars, people or anything!
My friend told me "there is no way all those people could have left, moved all the cars in a matter of minutes".
I'm right there with you and although I'm replying 8 years later it still sounds like bs to me lmaooooo
On the other side of the road. Along Rt 910.
Just wanted you to know that my family lived in a park house from 1977 - 79 in Irwin Road. It was not haunted sorry but it’s a good story. My mom was short and but not a midget or a witch even though as a teen I might have thought differently. It was a cool large house built in the 1800’s beautiful gardens and a barn and that stone walls of the barn are still there. I graduated form North Allegheny High School in 1979.
How many houses were along that road? Did you know/talk to older neighbors?
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