Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pittsburgh Zombies, Arise...

george romaro zombies
Zombies From George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" from Wiki

Yes, it's the the season of the zombie. Pittsburgh's undead can rise and take part in the South Side Zombie Walk Saturday night. The creepy crawlers should shuffle their way to the Town Tavern, at 2009 E. Carson Street. Underage zombies can mill about outside or rally at the Beehive a few blocks away between 7-8 PM.

Here's the night's ghoulish grind and its rules (yes, even the undead have to toe the line), according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

And if you care to feed on human flesh at the Monroeville Mall, home of the Guiness record-setting Zombie Mash-Up, it's scheduled for the haunting season, on October 11th.

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