Valley Hotel
The Valley Hotel in Jefferson Hills, Allegheny County, was built in 1863 and known as the Hotel Granger, named after its owners. It served passengers of the Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston Railroad, miners, and riverboat crews.
It's also sited near the Mon Valley US Steel works at Clairton, and the Granger/Valley Hotel has been the watering hole of choice for workmen looking to wash away the dust after a long eight hours.
The New England & Coal Valley Roads building now houses a bar, and is noted for its live music sets. It's also built a rep for its spooks.
The place is alleged to be filled with spirits and their phenomena, including poltergeist activity, faces in the mirror of people that aren't there and glowing lights. Things disappear from behind the bar and in drawers, then reappear weeks later.
Guests have heard voices and footsteps coming from empty spots in the bar. A worker quit after hearing the voices of a non-existent man and women arguing in the basement.
The Pittsburgh Paranormal Society investigated the place, and came away with pictures of orbs moving around the bar and a spirit beside one of the team members. A mirror shattered when they were in the basement. They came away believers.
So if you'd like to share a beer with a hard-rockin' indie band and a ghost, the Valley Hotel is your kinda joint.
That was my wife's great- grand father's Hotel.
That was my wife's great- grand father's Hotel.
Jeff, some good friends of mine that own The VALLEY Hotel are trying to find info.... you might have some to clarify things....
Shame about what happened I used to drink there before they closed down all the bartenders where stealing money and alcohol from the bar and I was told the people he had working over nights to get the bar done was smoking meth and knocking over a candle they were staying in the upstairs hotel room
I heard that the new owner had people doing work there at night and they were living in the upstairs apartment where smoking meth and knocked over a couple of candles
I was looking forward for them to reopen just wasn’t hoping you would hire the old bartender that worked there before they closed and sold the place 2 of the female bartenders where stealing money from the pocker machine and the cash register and drinking their for free after bar closed and stole bottles of alcohol from the bar that the reason why the old owner had to close his got sick and his bartenders robbed him blind make me sick to my stomach what happened bartender named neecy forkie and another thief bartender
Sorry to hear about that shame a place with that much historical history is gone I was told there were old stables and old horse seats down in the basement
I wonder if the grounds are still haunted since the building is not there anymore
I new duel shame what happened to him and the so called people who claimed they cared about him and loved him lied used and stole from him he couldn’t even order alcohol or beer to stock the bar his employees stole so much money from duel he couldn’t afford to keep the bar open and the worst part of it all was duel was extremely sick and was losing his memory and didn’t know what was going on while the people who worked there robbed that poor man blind his so called wife and his so called employees who cared about him so much robbed everything he had a left him to live by himself in one of his run down hotel rooms while his bartenders would close the bar and have their friends stay after bar was closed and drink for free till 4 430 in the morning and they were not drinking cheap drinks all top shelf expensive liquor I watched someone who was working there I watched her boyfriend walk behind the bar open the cash register and take money out and put in his pocket like it was nothing bartenders getting drunk and dancing on the bar doing drugs while duel was in his room left to die shame on you all who did that to him and shame on the people who didn’t stop them and I was told by someone who was there the night of the fire that the new owner had people working there at nights to get the bar finished and they were upstairs in one of the hotel rooms smoking meth and knocking over a few candles
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